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Aunt Bee Wooden Spoon
Briscoe Darling learned quickly not to cross Aunt Bee when he was
"declaring" for her. She used a
wooden spoon to correct him if he wasn't quick enough in doing
what she expected.That's why this rememberable quote by Briscoe came to be laser engraved on this wooden spoon. The spoon says "I ain't about to be beat to death with no spoon!" and I dare you to read it without hearing Briscoe Darling in your mind.
The engraving says "i ain't about to be beat to death with no spoon!" (all lowercase) is on the inside of the "bowl." The back of the spoon is blank. (front and back shown in image above)

Mayberry Classic Flag Long
& Short Sleeve T-shirts
These great looking long
sleeve & short
sleeve Mayberry Classic Flag t-shirts have a clean design and
shows off both your love of Mayberry and country. The tee is in what the creator calls "Garage Dye" which in this case means that the areas near the collar, end of sleeves, and hem are slightly darker than the body of the t-shirt but the colors difference will vary

Mayberry Axes Pizza Cutter
Weaver's found these pizza
cutters that have a Mayberry feel to them.
You can get your choice of a phrase that is laser engraved on one side of
the handle. From the "Alcohol and Old Lace" episode, you can celebrate National Still Smashing Day with an "ax" that has the phrase "Pow, pow pow."
Or choose, from "The Haunted House" episode, the "ax" that old man Remshaw left floating around in his house that almost made Barney faint. The phrase on this one is Barney stating "With an ax." and Gomer replying, "An ax? Shazam."
Size of each: 7 ¼" long
Mayberry Pennant
This felt pennant features Mayberry colors of the ole' Orange and Blue. White lettering outlined by orange all on a blue background and topped off by a sewn-on orange edge strip. The pennant measures 24 x 9 inches. Perfect for showing your Mayberry pride at home or at work.
Colonel Harvey's Indian
Elixir Flask
Weaver's has been working with traveling salesman, Colonel Harvey,
to bring you this
stainless steel hip flask branded with the labeling for the Colonel's
elixir. The elixir is sold separately at your favorite local
"tonic" store but you can enjoy displaying the flask on your shelves. Otis
told Mr. Weaver that he'd take two.You may not need to purchase the actual elixir unless you feeling tired and run down. Dragging yourself out of bed in the morning or feel that life seem hardly worth living. Then friends, you may need the elixir. Otherwise, this flask may lift your spirit by at least 85%.
Size: 4.8" x 3.7" - 8 oz. - Stainless Steel
Miracle Salve
Mr. Weaver knows you've been looking for some good hand cream and he thinks he finally found some to meet your needs. This 2oz jar of hand made Miracle Salve will most certainly help those whose hands are "dry as dust." Mr. Weaver was told by Barney that this salve may be good for "poison ivy, athlete's foot, prickly rash, the complexion, spring itch and crow's feet." He also said that Dr. U. T. Pendyke, D.V.M. prefers it to Molly Harkin's Mange Cure. Weaver's cannot confirm all those uses but can say it is a wonderful all natural cream.The patrol car changed model years each season but, with only a few exceptions, the license plate number was always JL 327.
Great for use on replicas of the Mayberry patrol car or on your personal vehicle to show your love of the Mayberry to fellow fans.
Barbershop Hair Style Print
Mr. Weaver has been working with Floyd to bring you a recreation of the "Official Hair Styles for MEN and BOYS" print that hangs in Floyd's Barber Shop.The print is 16"x 20" on heavy weight stock. The print will be shipped in an art tube to protect it during shipment.
The print includes a recreation of the sample hair styles offered at Floyd's Barber Shop and a scene representative of a certain man and his son walking home from the fishin' hole in the top left corner. Get yourself a copy for your barber shop or Mayberry room. While you're looking around, check out the Old Man Remshaw Print.
Mayberry Sheriff & Deputy
Most of us may not feel like you can step into Andy's shoes but, what
about Barney? These badges are sturdy, but simplified, representation of Andy and Barney's Mayberry badges. In other words, aren't exact replicas but for the price, you can't beat them.
The color is "nickel" and you'll be able to pin it to the khaki shirt of your choice to have that official sheriff or deputy look.
Mayberry Tea Towel

Oversized Flour Sack Tea towel (27x27) is printed in the USA, machine washable, fade resistant, pre-washed & pre-shrunk.
The Definitive Andy Griffith Show Reference
This reference book is one of our fastest-selling books ever. And for good reason. It offers the most complete episode guide of any of the Mayberry books.Fact-filled episode summaries are accompanied by cast notes and trivia for each episode.
There also is a section with profiles of the cast, writers and production team for the show, plus a section on memorabilia.
Aunt Bee T-shirts
There's alway room for Aunt Bee's Apple Pie and now that includes in your closet. You can make folks mouths water with this great looking Aunt Bee's Apple Piie t-shirt.Or, put a fire in your belly and show it off by wearing the Aunt Bee's Kerosene Cucumbers t-shirt. This light gray t-shirt is sure to mean a great dill to you and yours so take this sage advice and get yours today. The design features a "mason" jar with fire coming off the "kerosene cucumber."
"Shoo fly! He's dead?" - Barney Fife
Mayberry Trivia: 1,500
Questions About a TV Classic
Written by Scott Hopkins, creator of the no
longer produced Mayberry Mania Game and the Mayberry-Opoly game,
this brand new book will provide any Mayberry fan hours of enjoyment.Many folks who have purchased Mayberry trivia games from us opened the box and proceeded to read the questions to family and friends...never playing the game. If this sounds like something you did, or would enjoy, this book is going to be PERFECT for you. 1,500 Mayberry trivia questions for testing the Mayberry knowledge your friends, family, and yourself
Mayberry Patrol Car Emblem Embroidered Cap
Weaver's is happy to offer the popular patrol car shield on a low profile cap. The design is embroidered on a tan canvas cap.
"Two Chairs No Waiting" Andy Griffith Show Fan Podcast is full of fun information about The Andy Griffith Show and all things Mayberry. There are interviews, listener feedback and a lot of Mayberry fun. The episodes feature interviews with cast members, tribute artists and fans. Drop by and listen online or download the episodes. New episodes every Tuesday night. Oh yeah, "Goober says, 'Hey!'"
Be sure to check out the Burke on Mayberry podcast as well.

Community, friends, relationships, family.....those are the things that we love about Mayberry and those are the things the iMayberry Community wants to nurture.
Please join this online version of Mayberry, have fun, visit, share the spirit of Mayberry and let's see our Mayberry family grow. Mayberry fans are a special group and the iMayberry Community is something special as well. See you in iMayberry.

Assistance is needed in adding more information to the Episode Guide. Specifically adding facts to the "Odd Facts Know by Few" section of each episode and adding detail to the "Plot Summary" of episodes. Help writing biographies for the characters appearing on The Andy Griffith Show. Let's work together to make a great Mayberry resource at Mayberry.info

TAGSRWC has created a Facebook Fan page as another method of delivering our share of Mayberry fun to the world. Thanks to those that have already found us and here's an invitation to everyone to become a fan of TAGSRWC on Facebook. You don't even have to be a member of Facebook to check out the page. Our plan is to put a vintage TAGSRWC or Mayberry event photo with cast members on the Facebook page every week or so as well as information about whatever news might be happening. You can talk back to us and among yourselves as well. Head on over and become a Fan!
TAGSRWC recently began setting up Memorial areas here on iMayberry.com to allow fans and family alike to add thoughts about some of the wonderful actors and crew who made Mayberry a place we all enjoy. Feel free to add your thoughts or memories about our Mayberry friends.
Sarah'sMayberry Directory
The most up-to-date listing of Mayberry and Mayberry related sites on the web
Sending online greetings to your friends right from Mayberry. Visit Postcards from Goober and bring some Mayberry into your friends day. Enjoy!
Believe it or not, Mayberry was on Star Trek. Check out this wonderful site by TAGSRWC member "Dapper Dan" which he donated to the iMayberry.com site. These pages give you a tour of Mayberry you've never seen.